Storing your seasonal fire-resistant (FR) clothing is essential for
maintaining its quality and ensuring it remains in good condition all
year round. Whether you are a construction worker, emergency response
team member, or working professional, understanding storage techniques
for FR gear can make a huge difference in its longevity. We'll share
some tips for storing your seasonal fire-resistant clothing.
Clean Before Storing
packing up your fire-resistant clothing for the season, wash it
according to manufacturer specifications. Avoid using bleach or fabric
softeners that can compromise the protective quality of the material.
Instead, use a mild detergent and rinse the garments thoroughly. Rather
than machine drying, consider hanging your clothing to let it air dry.
Store in Separate Containers
clothing is sensitive to temperature and moisture, so keep them in
separate containers. This will allow you to monitor them individually
throughout the year rather than sift through one bin.
Label Your Storage Containers
your boxes, indicating the type of clothing and dates when you last
used them. This technique can help you locate your gear easily when you
need them. It will also help you save space and stay organized.
Monitor the Environment
Suppose you're storing flame-resistant bibs.
Exposure to sunlight or water can weaken the material, fade its color,
and reduce its protective quality. Ensuring the storage space is cool
and dry will help you avoid this damage. You can add silica gel packs to
your storage containers or place a dehumidifier in the storage area.
Inspect for Damage
storing your fire-resistant clothing, inspect them thoroughly by
checking for rips, stains, holes, or signs of wear. Repair damage before
storing your garments to prevent further degradation. Mothballs, cedar
blocks, and other pest deterrents will help keep them safe for the long
Ensure Your FR Clothing Is Ready When You Need It
clothing is sensitive to temperature, moisture, and wear. These tips
for storing your seasonal fire-resistant clothing will help you maintain
their quality and prolong their lifespan. By following these tips, your
fire-resistant clothing will be in good condition when you need it.