Bulwark FR’s JLP8NV Parka is a well-made article of FR
Clothing that provides an extremely high level of FR Capability. The Hazard Risk Category 4 Parka offers
protection for workers in high risk situations.
In addition, the insulated 100% Cotton lined jacket is extremely warm
and water repellant for cold, wet, and windy conditions. The Nomex Taped Brass Zipper is extremely
durable and ready to be put to the test. Concealed Snaps protect your torso by
fully covering the zipper with FR Fabric that has an Arc Rating ATPV of 43.3
calories/cm^2. A left chest pocket is an ideal place to store safety gloves or additional
PPE when not on the jobsite. Elastic
Inserts on your waist accommodate to you size and can handle you if you’ve
packed on a couple pounds or have additional layers of FR Clothing underneath
your Bulwark Parka. Our HLH2NV Hood is
an excellent addition to this Parka that can be found on our Site. This Safety Apparel is best suited for home
wash or industrial laundry.
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